

The building complex that was recently discovered by prospection on Hamamtepe mountain, about 8 km south-east of Pessinous and close to the little village of Karaçaören, has not yet been definitely dated. Hamamtepe is an elevation about 1600 m above sea level topped by a practically north-south plateau that forms part of the Dindymos mountain range.



On the slope to the plateau on the top, in an area of ca. 3000 m2, concentrations of sherds and walls have been discovered belonging to what may have been a small, enclosed site.

The plateau itself is divided into a lower and an upper part. In the lower part remains of at least six stone circles have been found: a burial ground close to Mount Dindymos, with a view over the lower areas to the west and the north. On the passage to the upper plateau there is a large elevated stone concentration, probably the remains of a plundered tumulus. On the upper plateau an extensive archaeological complex has been brought to light.




These upper parts were enclosed by a ca. 1.5 m thick wall, over a surface of about 10000 m2, and they show the foundations of what may have been towers, which indicates the existence of a citadel. In the middle a rectangular ‘basin' is cut in the rock. It forms an impressive structure in a perfect north-south position and possibly leads to an underground cistern or sacred space. Quite near, at least two libation basins or sacrificial basins, cut in the rock, have been found, and on a lower level a hollow that was cut in the rock is probably a Phrygian grave.
